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       - Prof. Jang attended IMRC 2024 Conference in Cancun, Mexico (August 18-22, 2024).

Prof. Jang is giving an invited talk.



Dinner with HEA researchers including Prof. Yeh, a pioneer of HEA.



Scenery from hotel room.



Beach in early morning.



       - Prof. Jang attended the ERC meeting at POSTECH (August 12, 2024).

Group photo.



       - We attended Nano Korea 2024 in Goyang (July 3, 2024).

Prof. Jang is delivering an invited talk.



Gao in front of her poster.



Congratulations! Gao won the Best Poster Award!



At the banquet.



       - Prof. Upadrasta Ramamurty (NTU, Singapore) revisited our group (July 2-4, 2024).

Finally found a Korean diner having a vegetarian menu.



At the Nano Korea 2024.



       - Prof. Ju-Young Kim and Dr. Gyeong-Seok Hwang (UNIST) visited our group (June 14, 2024).

Dr. Hwang is going to start his new journey at Harvard.



       - Dr. Jong-hyoung Kim (Harvard Univ.) visited our group (May 14, 2024).

Our group alumnus Dr. Yoo joined the dinner.



       - We attended KIM 2024 Spring Conference in Changwon (April 24-26, 2024).

Group photo.



Gao is making a presentation.



Dr. Byoung-Gil Yoo is giving an invited award lecture.



Group alumni Dr. Yoo and Prof. Dong-Hyun Lee after award ceremony (with Dr. Gyuyeol Bae from POSCO).



Special ceremony for Prof. Sang Joo Kim who passed away on April 13.



Get-together before going for dinner party.



       - We visited Prof. Shin-ichi Komazaki’s group at Kagoshima University for performing hydrogen experiments (April 10-14, 2024).

With Prof. Shin-ichi Komazaki and Dr. Kotaro Murakami at the campus.



Preparing the experiments.



At Prof. Komazaki’s office.



Prof. Jang is giving a seminar for the students.



Dinner with Prof. Komazaki’s group.



View from the hotel.



       - Prof. George M. Pharr (Texas A&M University, TX, USA) visited our group (April 1-3, 2024).

Prof. Pharr is delivering a seminar.



With Prof. Pharr, Prof. Gi-Dong Sim (KASIT), and Dr. Jin-Yoo Suh (KIST) at KIST.



In front of the lunch place (the oldest restaurant in Korea; opened in 1904).



       - Prof. Upadrasta Ramamurty (Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore) visited our group (March 17-22, 2024).

Prof. Ramamurty is delivering a seminar.



At a Chinese restaurant.



Before taking KTX.



       - Gao attended TMS2024 held in Orlando, FL, USA (March 3-7, 2024).

Gao is making a presentation.



With (ex)members from Prof. Ju-Young Kim’s group.



Fireworks at Magic Kingdom of Disney World.



Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studio.



Beautiful sunset scene from the hotel.



       - Prof. Jang was selected as an excellent reviewer for Acta Mater./Scripta Mater. 2023 (March 1, 2024).

Sixth time following 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022.



       - Interview with Prof. Jang is introduced in KIM magazine (January 15, 2024).

Interview can be seen here.



       - Dr. Hansol Jeon (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany) visited our group (Jan. 9, 2024).

Dr. Jeon will become a faculty at Keimyung Univ. from March.




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