- Our group alumnus Dr. Moo-Young Seok (KIMS) gave a colloquium for MSE students (Dec. 6, 2022).
Topic was about aerospace materials. |
- Prof. Jang attended the 36th Conference on Advanced Structural Materials (in honor of Prof. Dongil Kwon’s retirement) in Gyeongju (Nov. 17-18, 2022).
Prof. Jang is giving a talk. |
Prof. Kwon is giving a retirement lecture. |
Our group alumnus Dr. Yoo is giving a talk. |
Our group alumnus Prof. Lee is delivering a talk. |
At the 2nd round With Dr. Kwang-Jun Euh (KIMS), Prof. Young-Chun Kim (Andong Nat’l Univ.), and group alumni. |
With Dr. Yong Nam Kwon (KIMS) and group alumni. |
- Prof. Shoichi Nambu (Univ. of Tokyo) visited our group (Nov. 10, 2022).
With Prof. Nambu and Dr. Jin-Yoo Suh (KIST) at the dinner after seminar. |
- We attended KIM 2022 Fall Conference in Jeju Island (Oct. 26-28, 2022).
With group alumni in front of ICC where the conference was held. |
Prof. Jang is delievering an invited talk. |
Gao is making a presentation. |
Congratulations! AH won the Excellent Oral Presentation Award! |
- Prof. Jang attended MS&T 2022 held in Pittsburgh, USA (Oct. 9-12, 2022).
With Prof. Heung Nam Han (SNU) at the David Lawrence Convention Center (DLCC). |
Prof. Jang is preparing a talk. |
Luncheon for the speakers of the symposium ERC organized. |
View from convention center. |
T-Rex at Pittsburgh airport. |
- Gao and AH attended the ECI Nanomechanical Testing in Materials R&D VIII in Split, Croatia (Oct. 2-7, 2022).
Gao in front of her poster. |
AH made a poster presentation. |
Cathedral of St Domnius in Diocletian's Palace. |
Sunset view from Cathedral of St Domnius. |
- Last workshop for “SNU” ERC was held in Yeosu (August 18, 2022).
Group photo of the attendees. |
Prof. Jang is reporting our results. |
- Opening ceremony for "new" ERC (August 9, 2022).
Group photo of the ERC professors. |
- We’ve got the plaque for “new” ERC (August 4, 2022).
This big national project will continue till 2029! |
- ZG and AH participated in ERC kick-off meeting held at POSTECH (July 12, 2022).
ZG and AH participated in ERC kick-off meeting held at POSTECH (July 12, 2022). |
- Prof. Jang visited NTU and IMRE in Singapore (July 10-15, 2022).
With Prof. Ramamurty on the first day that was a national holiday. |
Revisiting the Hive with our group alumnus Yakai (who is Senior Research Fellow at NTU). |
Meeting with department head and group leaders of Structural Materials Department at Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), a national laboratory established by Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). |
Seminar for School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at NTU. |
Small birthday party for Yakai (July 11), Prof. Ramamurty, and Prof. Jang (both were born on July 19, the same day!). |
With Yakai at “Night Safari.” |
Photo of strangely silent Incheon International Airport taken before departure to Singapore. |
- Prof. Ju-Young Kim and his group members, Dr. Jeong-Hyun Woo and Dr. Eunji Song, visited our group (June 15, 2022).
Dr. Woo will work at KAERI from July, and Dr. Song will start her post-doctoral research at University of Michigan in August. Dear Doctors: Good luck with your research! |
- Our group alumnus Dr. Gyung-Gil Yoo (Hyundai Steel) won an award for steel technology on “Day of Steel” (June 9, 2022).
- Our group alumnus Dr. Moo-Young Seok appeared in KIMS YouTube (May 10, 2022).
- We attended KIM 2022 Spring Conference in Changwon (April 27-29, 2022).
Group photo (with alumni and some of their students). |
Gao in front of her poster. |
Congratulations! ZG won the Excellent Poster Presentation Award! |
Congratulations! AH won the Excellent Oral Presentation Award! |
- Prof. Jang was selected as an excellent reviewer for Acta Mater./Scripta Mater 2021 (April 14, 2022).
Fourth time following 2014, 2018, and 2019. (Full list of the selected reviewers for 2021 is here and there) |
- Dr. Hang Li is going to leave after a year’s outstanding work (March 22, 2022).
Farewell, Dr. Li! We will miss you! |
Together in front of the Advanced Materials Engineering Building. |
- Dr. Hansol Jeon (UNIST) visited us (March 17, 2022).
Dr. Jeon will start his post-doctoral research in Germany from April. |
- Prof. Jang visited KIMS (Feb. 22, 2022).
With Dr. Young-Bum Chun (KAERI) and Dr. Jin-Yoo Suh (KIST). |
With Dr. Yong-Nam Kwon (KIMS). |
- We had a farewell dinner for Jeong-Min (Feb. 18, 2022).
JM will start her new journey at Samsung Electronics. |
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